In comes my best find ever.

A 9" high collapsible step which holds up to 300lbs. I've used this one for two years now and it's still going strong. Looks like they come in red or black as well.
Here is the stool collapsed:

It's very nice and the 9" boost really helps me. I have also used it as a posing tool. Here are all the uses I have found.
- Have todlers sit on it
- Have the model put a foot on it to shift the body.
- Get above the model's eye level to get them to lift their chin a little.
- Get above the crowd surrounding the bride and groom to get cool wide angle shots.
- Get a little higher to avoid heads in the shot
- Use it to reach a little higher to hang a backdrop, adjust a light, etc.
- And I'm sure there are more.
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